Jalna Sweet Orange, Maharashtra

Jalna district is the largest producer of sweet oranges in Maharashtra with more than 85 percent of the geographical area under agricultural cultivation. Jalna has many agro-climatic advantages that aid the growth of this traditional variety of sweet orange. Located in the upper Godavari basin, the rich black soil along the river banks of Ambad... Continue Reading →

Farrukhabad Prints, Uttar Pradesh

One of the oldest and most famous industries that has flourished for more than a thousand years in Farrukhabad is the artistic cotton printing industry. India has long been considered to be a pioneer in the art of calico printing with many craftsmen across the country engaged in creating designs that are typical of their... Continue Reading →

Beed Custard Apple, Maharashtra

Beed’s most famous fruit, the deliciously sweet custard apple has been thriving in the dry Balaghat Range for more than four centuries. This organically grown fruit attributes its name to Sita Mata who used to eat this fruit during her exile. Sitaphal derives its name from the Sanskrit words śīta which means cold and phala which means fruit and custard apple... Continue Reading →

On the history trail: Battle of Umberkhind

The imposing persona of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, undisputedly the greatest, most astute strategist the world has seen is imprinted in the lush green picturesque Sahyadri mountains. He possessed all the virtues extolled by Vidura Mahātma in his treatise Vidura Neeti of a king who can oversee the three worlds and it is unsurprising that he... Continue Reading →

Narwar Fort, Narwar, Shivpuri District, Madhya Pradesh

The ancient city of Narwar is a glorious example of art, culture, heritage and historical ups and downs! Derived from the words nara which means man and vara which means excellent or exemplary match, Narwar has been the birthplace of many romantic stories like Raja Nala and Damayanti, Raja Man Singh Tomar and Gujari Rani Mrignayani and Prince Dhola... Continue Reading →

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